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Welcome in the world of
radio meteor observatory on line !

This area is dedicated to transfer automatically your datas onto the server
This is Radio Meteor Observatory's On Line web site.

This area have 2 objectives.
1] Publish your data on line to permit at all observer around the world to compare with them, and a large access around the world at our data.
2] Automatic Datas collect for the Radio Meteor Observing Bulletin
Monthly Christian Steyaert creator and writer of the Radio Meteor Observing Bulletin, has a direct access to these data for writing the RMOB.


How to use :

Internet connexion type :
If you don't have Internet access check no Internet and this area is not useful for you...

No permanent via modem :
It is necessary to compose a phone number via modem to you connect on Internet and disconnect after transfer, check this option.

Permanent :
You have a permanent access to Internet without compose phone number and it is not necessary to phone disconnect at end of transfer, please check this option.

Time interval to send files :
Easy to use !
You want to transfert once a day, check "Daily" and choose Hour of transfer you want. ( here 13H )
If you are ready to transfer hourly check "Hourly".

Start button is useful if you want to test immediately the transfer.

Stop button, stop the transfer, but it is relatively not efficient if you use no permanent via modem. In this case wait end of transfer.

Done indicate numbering of transfer done.

Save JPG file, save the image in JPEG format into Colorgramme / DATAS / IMG / subdir for archives.

Live refresh is as on WMeteor area, update data every 10 MN.